Monday Nudge 1 January 2024

Kick off 2024 with being Creative on LinkedIn If you get stuck with content creation, subscribe to my channel and every Monday you'll get 5 ideas

Happy New Year. Welcome to 2024

I want to bring you as much help and resources to inspire you to be brilliant on LinkedIn™️ and grow your business. So with this in mind, I have some exciting plans for January to help kick-start your year. And there are some links for you to try!!

But don't forget that every week I will still be bringing you my five ideas to help inspire you to create content.

Hold on tight, there's a lot to come in 2024!!

The first link takes you to my FREE Video Masterclass
Next Week I'll be hosting a live Zoom for 15 minutes each day at 11:00am (GMT) Mon-Thur and then on Thursday evening we'll have a free drop in where I will answer any question that you have about the week.
Find out more HERE

The second link is for my monthly Free Drop-in Surgery
On the first Monday of each month (second if it's a Bank Holiday) I open a Zoom to enable you to drop in and ask me anything about LinkedIn™️. I also Theme these sessions and this month it's recommendations.
Find out more HERE

My final Link is for my Launch a Podcast Show
I'll be launching a brand new podcast in 5 weeks time, but over the next 4 weeks I have Gary Jones helping me get it right. Live every Tuesday so you can learn too and launch your new podcast too. The first show link is here,

Here are my ideas for Content this week.
Every week I'll share my ideas here for you.

But if you have any ideas share them with me to pass on. Always nice to get a hand and I'll give you a shout-out in my nudge and on my blog and LinkedIn™️ Newsletter.

One piece of content each week from you will help your growth on LinkedIn™️ so why not make 2024 your year to create more?

And don't forget my Video Masterclass.

Good luck this week, but please reach out if you want a hand.

all the best


My suggestions are also a video on my YouTube Channel

View the video here

Bold Plans for 2024
Share your bold plans for 2024. If you write it down we'll be your accountability buddy and you've got more chance of success. Are you growing your team, getting a new office or what about adding a new product or service? Let us know so that we are inspired to do something different in 2024.Maybe this is the year that you do more on social media, maybe more videos or perhaps you want to a write a book or run a marathon. Anything is possible, we just need to plan. (I did a live show with Tracy Irwin on goal planning and vision boards it's here if you want to watch it)

On this Day in History
3 January 1977 Apple was incorporated! WOW. Now look at Apple. One of the biggest companies in the world. Are you a fan? Share your Apple stories. Draw a parallel with what you do in your business. Ask people if they like Apple or do a poll about Apple vs Windows or iPhone vs Android. With such a long history you can easily find something to write about.

Dry January
Are you a person who has dropped the booze? I see so many people talking about how they have been sober for a while. So why not create your content around Dry January and sheer how you've benefited from not drinking? Maybe you could recommend some alternative drinks for those of us who do not drink fizzy pop or cola. Share your funny stories or set a challenge and help people.

New Year Resolutions.
What have been your best resolutions? Sorry that it's obvious, but another topic that will be on everyone's lips. Do you succumb? Are they worth it? Will you be starting down the gym or CrossFit classes? There's a lot of talk about weight and drinking, but what other things in your life do you want to change add or improve? More time with the family or picking up your guitar more often this year?

Twelfth Night
When do you take your Christmas decorations down? They all have to come down by 6 January, but do you like to eek it out a bit longer, or do you want to get back to some sort of normality and tidiness in your home? Share your ideas for packing Christmas away. We put the lights back in with the tree so we have the right ones. I label the other lights and throw away the ones that gave up. And make sure you mark the boxes!! It wont be long and it'll be Easter and spring.

Have fun this week and please do not stress about creating content. It's all about building up your trust, so be natural and be YOU.

Shout if you need a hand and keep an eye out for my next workshop

More Helpful ideas on my YouTube Channel