Is LinkedIn® a Mystery ?

I make LinkedIn™️ Easy with my
15 minutes a day HABIT Framework

Stuck on LinkedIn? Let's unlock its potential together—for free! I'll review your profile with a quick Loom Video. Click below and let's get those warm leads flowing!

Unsure about how to present yourself on LinkedIn™️?

If you're struggling with confidence, I can help you build a compelling and professional LinkedIn™️ profile that showcases your strengths and achievements. Through personalized coaching, you'll gain the confidence to present yourself authentically and effectively, turning uncertainty into self-assurance. Together, we will transform your LinkedIn™️ presence, making you stand out and attract the right opportunities.

Are you constantly second-guessing your LinkedIn™️ posts?

Discover the power of imperfect action with my coaching. I will guide you in developing a content strategy that aligns with your goals and helps you engage your audience without overthinking. By focusing on consistency and authenticity, you'll learn to share valuable insights and stories that resonate with your network, driving engagement and growth

Do you struggle to maintain a
consistent presence on LinkedIn™️?

Consistency is key to LinkedIn™️ success. My coaching program includes regular check-ins and accountability sessions to keep you on track. We'll create a manageable routine that fits into your schedule, ensuring you remain active and visible on the platform. With consistent engagement, you'll build stronger connections and achieve sustained growth

 "Ashley is so generous with his time and provides you with enough knowledge to start up on Linkedin and flourish! ." 

Anna Johnson
Owner - Bee Bookkeeping

 "I expected the course to teach me how to do it but what I did not expect was to enjoy it!!   Ashleys  enthusiasm  really inspired me.

Michelle Willett
The Health Habit Heroine

 "The tips I learnt from Ashley were invaluable and by attending his course has given me so much more confidence.  It’s a game changer." 

Gillian Keegan
Evergreen Bookkeeping 

Are you afraid to reach out and
connect with others on LinkedIn™️?

Effective networking is about building genuine relationships. I will teach you strategies to connect with others meaningfully, whether through personalized messages, engaging in discussions, or attending virtual events. By overcoming your networking fears, you'll expand your professional network, open doors to new opportunities, and grow your influence.

Are you intimidated by the technical aspects of LinkedIn™️, like video creation or using design tools?

Don't let technical challenges hold you back. In my coaching sessions, you'll learn to use essential tools like Canva, Loom, and MailChimp. I'll provide hands-on training and support, empowering you to create engaging content, professional visuals, and effective email campaigns. Mastering these skills will enhance your LinkedIn™️ presence and set you apart from the competition.

Find Clients on LinkedIn™️ 

It's easy to get new business on LinkedIn, if you know how! In this video I'll show you the easy solution, how to find clients on LinkedIn™️ 

The Good News

The good news if you don't need to be using the paid for tools on LinkedIn in order to bring a new stream of new clients and potential leads. 

Nurture your LinkedIn™️ 

Nurturing a large number of connections and engaging with them on a consistent basis is one of the best pieces of your marketing strategy.

Want to find out more?

Book a quick call with me to find out if we could
 work together to help your grow on LinkedIn™️