What Content works for LinkedIn™️

This blog gives you FIVE new ideas to help you create content to help you to stand out. Simple, easy and effective!

Here are my 5 ideas for you this week

Did you know that only 1% of people create content, so if you create something this week, you'll be doing more than 99% of people on LinkedIn™️!! How cool is that?

Some reasons to create content.....

💛 You'll attract like-minded people to connect!

💚 People will see you as an expert

💛 You'll improve your writing skills

💚 You'll get views of your profile

💛 You'll have a voice

I bet you can think of plenty of reasons NOT to create content, but forget those negative thoughts.

Give it a go this week.

Here's my suggestions - Or if you'd rather watch the Video CLICK THIS

Luke Littler

Only 16 and he was the Runner-Up in the world darts this week. We cannot miss an opportunity to write something about this amazing feat. You can weave in some of what you've done in the past where you were a runner-up. Or what about the amazing mental arithmetic these players possess? Maybe write a fictitious letter of advice to Luke based on your business. This guy has the world at his feet so how would you advise him if he were a client?

Dancing on Ice

It's back!! Do you care? But what about the Celebs, there has to be something that you can write about Eddie Edwards (remember the Eagle?). Do you like these celebrity events or is it just too long in the tooth? Write about why you like it or why you don't and maybe talk about the effort they have to put in for all the training.

Masterclasses and Challenges

Have you noticed the number of Challenges and Masterclasses on offer to kickstart your year? (Even I got on the bandwagon. With my Video Masterclass😂 ) Are you taking part in any or maybe running one yourself? Why not do a poll to see what people think of these little events to help us do more in 2024? If you were to choose just one course to do this year what would it be and if that one isn't available why not create one or collaborate with an expert and get it started?

National Clean Your Desk Day is today (8 Jan)

Tidy Desk Tidy Mind, or is that a fallacy? I've just tidied mine, but not sure how long it will stay tidy. Why do we end up with a messy desk? I've been to offices where the desk spills to the floor. Do you have any tips for keeping it tidy, or is it ok for it to be a bit unkempt? Share your photos and encourage others to do the same.

Music for Productivity

I'm currently listening to an old Keane album (Thank you Alexa) but when I need to concentrate I listen to classical music or Opera. But what do you listen to? Maybe you can come up with a top ten? Do you listen to theme tunes? One podcaster I listen to listens to the soundtrack from Lord of the Rings. Does music make you work better? Or do you need it quiet?

Good luck this week and maybe I'll see you at one of my events this week.

See you next Monday, but if you get stuck or need a hand reach out to me on LinkedIn™️

all the best



More Helpful ideas on my YouTube Channel

Some Free Resources for you this week

Drop-In Surgery

Don't forget my FREE Drop-In LinkedIn Surgery at 10:00am on the first Monday of every month.

Click here to book your place. Limited to just 25 places, but your chance to ask questions, learn some LinkedIn tips and network with other wonderful people like you. Today we're talking about Recommendations.

Categories: : Content Ideas